Parallel Events

RIPE NCC Certified Professionals

Get Certified at RIPE 88! You can take a RIPE NCC Certified Professionals exam at RIPE 88 from Monday, 20 May to Thursday, 23 May, 10:00 – 16:30 (UTC+2).

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Feedback and User Testing

Members of multiple RIPE NCC Services teams will be onsite for user testing and to hear about your experience with our training and certification, RIPE Atlas, the new website and more.

The RIPE Atlas team will be in the coffee break area to answer your questions and demo the new UI.
Wednesday: 10:30 – 13:00 UTC+2
Thursday: 10:30 – 13:00 UTC+2
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Academic and NREN Reception

Do you work in academia, research or with NRENs? Join our reception!

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RIPE 88 Student Event: What Keeps the Internet Working?

Join us for a chance to hear from speakers who have contributed to the operation of the Internet for many years and get insights into the world behind the screens.

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