Candidate Biographies

Kevin Meynell

Kevin Meynell


I worked for the Internet Society from 2015 until 2023, leading the MANRS Routing Security initiative, organising the Network & Distributed Security Symposium (NDSS), and working on IXP and Community Network development in the RIPE NCC service region. I previously ran its Deploy360 programme that encouraged deployment of IPv6, DNSSEC, DNS-over-TLS/HTTPS and RPKI.

I previously worked for APNIC as its Training Manager, and prior to that I worked for 16 years for TERENA (now the GÉANT Association) to develop R&E networks across Europe and beyond, deploy new services such as 6NET (IPv6), Eduroam, Shibboleth and PKIs, and running TF-CSIRT – the European Forum of CSIRTs. I’ve also worked for JANET (now Jisc), the UK’s National Research & Education Network, and CENTR on various networking initiatives and services.

Statement of Interest:

I’ve been involved with the RIPE community since 1997 and it has always been at the forefront of network operator developments and discussions, so I would like to offer something back to the community. I’ve most recently been organising routing security sessions and BoFs at RIPE Meetings, but was also one of the founders of the Virtual Peering Series Central Asia that evolved into the Central Asia Peering & Interconnection Forum (CAPIF) in 2022. I was a PC member for the APRICOT Conference 2024, and was previously a PC member of ENOG from 2018 to 2023,. Going back a long way in time, I was also the Co-Chair of the former RIPE Domain Name Registration Forum, so hopefully can continue to help put together useful and interesting programmes!

Massimiliano Stucchi


Massimiliano (Max) Stucchi grew up in Italy. In his past he funded an ISP, and worked at the RIPE NCC and the Internet Society. He has recently founded a new company with the goal of improving the Internet by providing training.

Max runs AS58280 for fun, and is involved in a number of programme committees. He also helps run a couple of small community IXPs, and has a lot of fun racing remote controlled cars and painting miniatures in his spare time.

He is based in Zurich, Switzerland, where he is trying to learn (swiss-)German.

Statement of Interest:

I have served one term on the PC so far. Halfway through the term I was also elected as Chair, which allowed me to be in that position for two meetings. If I get re-elected, there is the potential to provide a continuation of that position, which would give me chance to implement additional improvements to the PC and its procedures.

Wolfgang Tremmel

Wolfgang Tremmel


After completing his degree at Karlsruhe University, Wolfgang started working as a network engineer in 1994. He went on to become head of network operations and peering manager at a range of ISPs.

In 2006, Wolfgang joined DE-CIX as Director Customer Support, a position he held for ten years. Since 2016, Wolfgang has been head of the DE-CIX Academy, making sure customers understand how BGP and other routing protocols work.

Statement of Interest:

I started in the PC during the pandemic and missed chairing live sessions during my first term. As serving on the PC is still fun to me, I would love to server another term.