Connect Working Group

Thursday, 23 May 11:00 - 12:30 (UTC+2)

Chaired By: Florence Lavroff, Remco van Mook, Will van Gulik
1. Opening
  • Welcome
  • Scribe appointment
  • Agenda
  • Proposed session format
2. Housekeeping
  • RIPE 87 Minutes

3. Connect Working Group Chair Election Process

4. Common BCOP for the Use of IRR DB by IXP Route Servers
Stavros Konstantaras, AMS-IX


5. Strengthening the Business Case for Routing Security
Andrei Robachevsky, Global Cyber Alliance


6. PeeringDB Update
Paul Hoogsteder, PeeringDB


7. Euro-IX Panel
Bijal Sanghani, Euro-IX

8. Closing